Originally published on SecurityInformed.com
The transportation industry is unique because it plays a role in both the minutiae of everyday life and the overall economy’s well-being. Providing uninterrupted and efficient transportation services depends heavily on the safety and security of transportation entities. Due to the vast amount of people frequenting transit stations and the importance of the items on ships and ferries, the transportation sector faces multiple challenges that evolve as the industry advances. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable:
What are the security challenges of the transportation industry?
Transportation can mean a wide variety of things, but in the case of public transportation, using surveillance technology onboard buses and trains can prove to be a challenge. While in transit, buses and trains cover a lot of area and record a lot of video, making it difficult to have enough onboard storage space and good video resolution to store it all.
It can also be challenging when video is only downloaded from these cameras at certain intervals, since incidents can occur at any point during travel. Security personnel can’t have live viewing or investigations if the video feed is still in transit.
Dynamic resolution scaling and increased remote bandwidth capabilities have helped with this a lot, but it still proves to be difficult in rural locations.
Complexities of the transportation market include a need to protect passengers and employees while meeting the expectations of customers, system operators, and regulators. In addition, it is an industry that was hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation is on the brink of a sea change driven by the digital revolution. A primary tool of that revolution is data, including unstructured video feeds. Managing data – and leveraging it across the various technology components of a transportation entity – will continue to challenge transportation operations, although the payoffs will be worth the effort.
Read the full article on SecurityInformed.com!
Chris Meiter
Chris Meiter has been President of Salient Systems since 2009. Prior to joining Salient, Meiter was Director of Business Development for Honeywell Video where he was responsible for Honeywell’s Key Vertical Markets, international sales management in Europe, Asia and South Africa, and developed Honeywell’s Digital Video sales program.