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A Holistic Perspective On Critical Infrastructure

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For critical infrastructure facilities, service interruptions can be catastrophic. Operationally, they must be equipped to handle day-to-day demands and be prepared for any scenario. This can include the disruption of service due to a major weather event or a security breach at a substation, administrative office or waste-water treatment plant.

Critical infrastructure facilities provide the backbone of modern society. Without them, our day-to-day operations would suffer significantly. From energy and water supply to transportation networks and communication systems – these assets are essential for maintaining a healthy and productive society. Critical infrastructure facility managers recognize that people rely on these services every day and disruptions to these facilities can have serious consequences.

Given their essential role in maintaining public welfare and economic stability, the security of critical infrastructure facilities is of paramount importance. These facilities, which include power plants, water treatment plants, transportation systems and communication networks, are under constant threat from natural disasters, cyber-attacks, physical breaches and other security risks. To ensure their safety and efficiency, critical infrastructure facilities need to adopt advanced security solutions that can address complex and evolving security challenges.

A layered security program that incorporates an open VMS platform is necessary to ensure the maintenance of basic services.

One such solution is video management systems (VMS), which provide comprehensive video surveillance, analytics and management capabilities for critical infrastructure facilities. It’s essential that utilities take a layered security approach that incorporates a scalable, yet open video management platform that can integrate with many different solutions, from access control systems and intrusion detection hardware to surveillance cameras and perimeter protection devices.

A VMS is an integral component of a robust security system that provides real-time monitoring, proactive incident response and comprehensive reporting capabilities. A layered security program that incorporates an open VMS platform is necessary to ensure the maintenance of basic services by enabling facility managers to access cameras and other surveillance tools.

Critical infrastructure facilities provide the backbone of modern society.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of VMS for critical infrastructure facilities from a holistic perspective, including their impact on security, operations, compliance and innovation.

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